Traditional dispute resolution is by litigation in a court of law.
Alternative forms of dispute resolution (ADR) come in differing forms, some of which are quite rigid, for example arbitration and adjudication, and often contractually specified as the sole means of resolving disputes. The parties consequently have little choice, once a notice of arbitration or adjudicaton is served, and they will be bound by the rules of the process and the decision of the arbitrator or adjudicator.
Other forms of ADR, for example Mediation and Expert Determination, are less rigid, less formal and more consensual. Consequently such forms often are more likely to produce a decision that is more palatable to both the parties in the dispute rather than there being a clear winner and loser, which is the usual outcome in litigation, arbitration and adjudication.
It is however possible, even in certain instances where the the dispute resolution protocol is specified, to utilise one of the more consensual forms of ADR.
This firm and its associates are educated and experienced in the methodologies and protocols of the differing forms of dispute resolution, including the advantages and disadvantages of each, and are able to offer appropriate advise and propose solutions.